Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang !!

The frog is being kissed by this beautiful young princess. Such a nice beautiful story... But then all of a sudden a strange thought popped up in my mind...what if the frog didn't want to be kissed? what if he was happy being a frog than being a prince? doesn't anyone care of the frog's opinion?

What would have happened if even one of the questions was true.. there would be no nice tale to narrate to kids... and there would be no prince & princess living "Happily Everafter !! "

Good that nobody cared about frog's opinions.....else he would have always remained a frog!! :-)


varun said...

hmmm, interesting thought
may be the frog thought he could get a more beautiful princess

may be it was expecting a prince (only the frog knew, it was gay)

or may be the dirty pond, with bugs and flies felt like home to the frog, never wanted to leave

who knows!

Namrata Singh said...

yup...who knows!!!